Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Advance Orders Export (Excel, CSV, PDF) $49.00 The Export Orders Module for PrestaShop equips merchants with the ability to efficiently export order data in various formats such as Excel, CSV,...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Allow customer to choose Customer Group at Registration $49.00 The Customer Group Selection Module for PrestaShop allows customers to select relevant groups during the registration process. This feature...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Stripe Subscription with Automatic Recurring Payment $59.00 The Stripe Subscription & Recurring Payments Module for PrestaShop allows merchants to integrate the Stripe payment gateway, facilitating easy...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Private Products/Categories/Pages- Password Protection $49.00 The Password Protect Module for PrestaShop enables merchants to easily secure products, categories, and CMS pages, allowing only authorized users...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Advance Product Review and Rating by Customer $49.00 The Product Review & Feedback Module for PrestaShop allows merchants to gather valuable insights from customers about their products. By...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Custom Payment Method-With Fee(surcharge) and Discount $49.00 The Custom Payment Methods Module for PrestaShop empowers merchants to create flexible payment options tailored to their customers' needs. This...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Stock Alert/Notification - Out of Stock Subscription $49.00 The Stock Alert & Notification Module for PrestaShop empowers retailers to engage potential customers by allowing them to request notifications...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Advance order list-configurable/ fast view $49.00 The Advanced Order List Module for PrestaShop enables merchants to easily manage and customize their order details, providing a more efficient way...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Stripe PRO-Multiple Account Based on Customer GroupSCA $59.00 The Multiple Stripe Accounts Module for PrestaShop offers merchants a convenient solution for managing multiple Stripe accounts tied to customer...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Donation for Charity, Relief, and Support $49.00 The Donation Module for PrestaShop enables store owners to host multiple fundraising campaigns seamlessly. This feature allows customers to make...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Product Question and Answer -Ask Question, Get Answers $49.00 The Product Q&A Module for PrestaShop enhances customer engagement by allowing users to ask questions and receive answers directly on the...
Add to cart Compare Wishlist Quick view PrestaShop Smart Wishlist $49.00 The Wishlist Module for PrestaShop empowers customers to create and manage wishlists, enhancing user interaction with your store. This tool not...